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The royal Opera

Stay with us and visit the Opera

Carefully we look forward to the long-awaited autumn season. Love, intrigue, drama and joy, a visit to the royal Opera will make your Stockholm weekend complete!

The royal Opera is Sweden's national scene for opera and ballet. Every year, a number of shows are set up; everything from completely new productions to classical masterpieces. The royal Opera cherishes tradition while pushing boundaries. All in three main areas; opera, dance and activities for children and young people. If you have not visited the Opera before, we promise that you will experience something quite wonderful. And if you can't get enough after the performance, there are guided tours to take through the beautiful halls.



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+46 (0)8 440 66 50

Do you have questions for your visit with us? You are welcome to contact us by phone or send us an email to reception@hotelkungstradgarden.se



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